What to expect
Coming into any church for the first time can be filled with many emotions. It is our hope that when you arrive you feel at home. Folks will greet you, and help you to be oriented. There will be a buzz as people are excited to see one another and you. All will be welcomed whether you have been here for a long time or this is your first time arriving. This is a safe place, we practice speaking with love in all aspects of our life. Our children start in the sanctuary with us. They move to faith formation if they would like. Some children choose to stay with their parents the entire time. We welcome this. Our worship time is centered on worshiping God, thanking God we are together, and honoring the space we hold with one another whether we are laughing, crying, or contemplating. May you know you are welcome here where ever you are on your spiritual journey.

Communion is offered the first Sunday of every month. At the table of Holy Communion, in bread blessed and broken, we recognize Christ and rejoice. All those who share this belief are invited to receive the sacrament. Communion is served by intinction; at the appropriate time in the service please come forward, the communion server will offer you a piece of bread (gluten-free wafers are available at the side of the bowl) and you may dip it in the chalice (contains grape juice). If it is difficult for you to go to the front, notify the usher and a communion server will come to you.
Click here for more on our theology as it relates to communion
Dress Code
We attend church to worship God, so wear whatever comfortable
clothing feels right to be able to worship God. If that means wearing a sports jacket, your favorite jeans, or something in between, rest assured that you'll fit right in.
Also take a look at our photo gallery to see what we look like

Nursery Care
Nursery care is available for children 0-5 years every Sunday. Children hear a story, play with toys and engage in socialization. Activities are fun and engaging designed to enrich the spiritual growth of our smallest friends. Our lessons are supported by the Bible story presented each week. Several opportunities to retell the story through art or active games are presented.
During our current closure due to Covid 19 our Sunday school children are provided materials to follow the lessons at home. Families can pick up supplies prior to the first Sunday of the month. There is also a Zoom lesson to join.

Contact the office to get involved, and take a look at our Sunday School page for more info