Webster United Church of Christ
December 8, 2024
Second Sunday of Advent
“Reflecting the Scriptures Through Children’s Eyes”
Ringing of the Bell
Gathering Music
Lighting of the Advent Candle
On the way to Bethlehem, we travel to Jerusalem. The Temple is the site of the dramatic high point of Zechariah and Elizabeth’s story of waiting so long for prayer to be answered. As Zechariah carries out priestly duties and Elizabeth waits outside with others, the usual and customary becomes anything but ordinary! An angelic messenger reveals a divine plan that leaves Zechariah literally speechless. It feels poignant that this week we visit Jerusalem in our Advent story and the city is known as “the city of peace.” Certainly we’ve been focused on the difficulties of prevailing peace in this turbulent part of the world even today. There is also the matter of our own “new Jerusalem” within. We wait for the day when we will feel more peace, have more peace, within ourselves. This week, we ask, “what are we waiting for?” and we learn that what happens within us while we wait is as important as the outcome. Can we be at peace–work for peace–“live peaceably”–even while waiting?
Centering Music #116 “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” vs. 6
O come, O Dayspring, come and cheer our spirits by your advent here; Love stir within the womb of night, and death’s own shadow put to flight. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to you, O Israel.
Moment of Silence
*Call to Worship
One: We await the coming of Christ.
All: We will make our hearts holy temples to receive him.
One: We await the coming of Christ.
All: With rejoicing, we wait.
*Christmas Carol #139, “The First Noel,” vs. 1-2
*Opening Prayer (Unison)
Holy and Living God, we pray to you in the midst of unanswered questions. Give us patience, God. Call us to pause in peaceful surrender, even and especially when the pieces of our lives seem to be falling apart rather than getting put together. Open our hearts to know your enduring presence in this very moment, in this waiting. We pray this in the name of your Son, Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen.
Advent Skit
Silent Prayer of Confession
Words of Encouragement
God is with us every step of our way toward the Peace of Bethlehem. Jesus is being born into our lives even now. The Spirit is transforming us in this place.
Joys and Concerns
Prayers of the People
Congregational Response “Be Still and Know” #743
Invitation to Give and Share
Praise God for these gifts that we offer today and bless them for good in the world. Praise Jesus, the Christ-Child, our Hope and our Stay, the Spirit, our Keeper, our Guide on the Way.
Gathering of Gifts
*Song of Praise “In the Bleak Midwinter,” #128, vs. 4
What can I offer, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb. If I were a wise one, I would do my part; but what can I offer: all my heart.
*Christmas Carol #148 “What Child is This” vs. 1 & 3
*Closing Christmas Carol #132 “Joy to the World,” vs. 1 & 4
*Prayer of Commitment (unison)
Holy God, we know you are near. We know that every step along the way to Bethlehem in this Advent season is a step closer to renewed life in Jesus, the Christ. We know that your Spirit resides within us, growing day by day into the fullness of Peace. In this moment, we pause in silence, marking your presence with awe and asking you to fill us and guide us, along our journey. Amen.
*Blessing Response #809 “God Be with You”
Sending Music